Any bread in the house is homemade. And since I eat lots of bread, I've done lots of bread baking. I've explored poolish baguettes, vienna torpedo rolls (left), english muffin bread, and anadama bread (a New England specialty made with molasses and cornmeal) and enjoyed all of them. Since Jon's arrival, he's treated us to several sourdough bread experiments. Each one has been better than the last--and they've all been great!
We've also been cooking with the early garden produce: kale, swiss chard, dandelion, and several other random greens are picked from the garden and incorporated into our lunches and dinners almost daily, as are a variety of herbs (the lemon thyme is my favorite at the moment). We made blueberry-lemon scones with blueberries frozen since last year's harvest, and Bonita
has made us two fish dinners with the frozen salmon she caught in Alaska last fall.
While Bonita's rhubarb hasn't been around long enough to produce much (rhubarb, like asparagus, is a perennial that needs several years to establish itself before it grows enough to harvest), Jon and I were able to harvest several pounds from a neighbor's backyard. We've made a rhubarb-apple crisp, a rhubarb-blueberry crisp, and a delicious rhubarb-strawberry pie (and we've still got 4 quarts in the freezer).
Some other meals have just been
for fun--like molasses ginger cookies, celeriac risotto, and the french onion soup Jon made with my Anadama bread and his mom's recipe. He made his own mushroom stock for a vegetarian-friendly soup, and mixed the remnants of this stock with barley for a delicious side dish.
French Onion Soup
sherry (optional)
Multiply the following ingredients by the number of servings required:
1 cup water and 1 cube beef bullion OR 1 cup mushroom stock
1 large onion
1 teaspoon butter
1 slice of bread
a few slices gruyere cheese
In a large pan over medium-low heat, saute the onions in the butter until dark brown and sweet. Warm the water in a pot and dissolve the bullion into it. Pour the mixture into the cooked onions. Let simmer. Add salt, pepper, and a small amount of sherry to taste. Let simmer for at least an hour, until the soup is reduced.
Meanwhile, slice a baguette and the cheese, covering each slice of bread with enough cheese. When soup is done, ladle into individual serving dishes, place a slice of bread with cheese on top, and broil until the cheese is lightly browned and bubbly. Alternatively, broil the bread and cheese on a cookie sheet, then place on top of each bowl of soup (this works well if you don't have oven-safe bowls).
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